SBC Questionnaire

Please explain your position on:

  1. The role of religion in the public schools:
  2. Teaching of established scientific facts such as evolution and climate change:
  3. Abstinence-based sex education:
  4. Vouchers: (If you support vouchers, explain your justification for seeking to be a member of a public-school board:)
  5. Public school choice:
  6. Corporal punishment:


  1. Explain how you would respond to a parent who wants the district to limit access to, or remove books from the school library or classroom:
  2. What public or private organizations have endorsed you and/or contributed to your campaign:
  3. Given the passage of HB 1557, how will you ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQ students who feel targeted in your district?
  4. Other statement or information you would like to have included:
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